About Landås skoles musikkorps

Landås skoles musikkorps (LSM) is a "skolekorps" at Landås in Bergen, with members mostly from Landås skole and Gimle ungdomsskole, and some from other schools nearby: Fridalen, Slettebakken, Nattland, Sædalen and different high schools. In English,  "korps" might be called both concert band, school band and wind band.

We recruit new members all year, but mainly in spring. The main deadline at Bergen kulturskole is 1 April, but if you did not manage the deadline, just contact us. Write to lsmusikk@gmail.com if you want to know more! If you want to sign up a young coming musician, we would like to know their name, which school and which year they are in, and which instrument(s) they would like to play. We hope to hear from you!


LSM practices every Monday at Landås skole. Aspirant and juniorkorps from 17-18, hovedkorps from 18-20:15.

The members are from 7 to 18 years old, and we are always welcoming new members. We have three different ensembles: "aspirantkorps" for the first year, "juniorkorps" for year 2-4, and "hovedkorps" for the rest of your time in the korps. Normally the members start as an "aspirant" when they are in 2nd to 4th grade in school (7 to 10 years old). You can also start later or earlier. If you start later, you can often have a quicker or different route to "hovedkorps" so you can be with the other members your age - if you have a music instructor and practice your instrument a lot. If you need more time you can also spend more time in the aspirant- or juniorkorps. It can be adapted.

All members have individual music lessons with a teacher, normally from Bergen kulturskole, and lessons can often be given at Landås. The deadline to apply to kulturskolen is 1 April each year. But if you do not have a teacher and the deadline has passed, contact us and let us know you are interested in starting, and we can often help you find a music teacher. You are also welcome to come and try some instruments to find what suits you. Write to lsmusikk@gmail.com  if you want to start, or have questions about starting later.

The price for participation in the korps is 550 NOK per semester (500 for siblings). If you rent an instrument, that is 450,- per semester. Kulturskolen also have their own prices (also including a sibling discount). However, both in LSM and Kulturskolen it is possible to pay less or nothing if you cannot afford it. We want everyone to be able to play with us, and we will never let anyone miss out on an activity due to lack of money. So do not let that stop you from joining.

LSM is a "janitsjarkorps", wind band, so we have room for most wind instruments: Drums,  melodic percussion, flute, clarinet, trumpet, cornet, euphonium, trombone, french horn, saxophone, tuba, bassoon and oboe. You can read more about the instruments in Landås skoles musikkorps here (in Norwegian). LSM plays different kinds of music. Often more pop music/movie music/ in the fall, Christmas music for the Christmas concert, and music for concert band/symphonic wind band in the spring. The members can often take part in choosing the music we play.

You can see some picture from activities, and read more (in Norwegian) about which activities happen in LSM at this pageConcerts, trips, 17th of May, etc. If you have questions, write to us at lsmusikk@gmail.com.

We look forward to hearing from you! 

Here is some general information in English on Norwegian school bands, from the Norwegian association of marching bands.
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